Standing in a huge empty warehouse. It's dark. There's a few dirty windows up too high to reach letting in a thin bit of light that only serves to show how much dirt covers everything. Every once in a while there's a scratching noise coming from the corner that I'm pretty sure is some sort of rodent about the size of an elephant. And I'm too terrified to move because I just know that as soon as I do I'm going to walk into a spider's web. There's nothing worse than walking into a spider's web!
That's what it's been like inside my head lately. Add in a few echoes saying how far short I come. Now before you say how untrue it all is, that doesn't really come into play here. That's the worst part of depression- there's no logic involved!
So, that's why I haven't been on here for a while. I have been busy. Too busy actually. So I have some upcoming posts about what I've been doing.
Thank you for bearing with me!