You may think that not a lot of time can be spent in such a place. You would be wrong. We can spend hours in the guinea pig and rabbit enclosure alone! And a chance to feed a horse, donkeys, sheep, birds of all sort, deer, goats, pigs.... Well, let me put it this way- he slept all the way home, via the butcher's shop, and I had to wake him up finally so Steve and I could go back out to the store to get tortillas for taco night.
Mmmmm.....taco night. The saliva drips just thinking the words doesn't it. If you don't appreciate tacos, a) try moving to a place where they're hard to come by, or b) if you grew up in such a place, try my tacos. You'll be forever enlightened.
Anyway, you may also think that having spent so much time out today would leave very little "creative" time. And you would be right! But I did take pictures today, because you never know where that inspiration will come from next.
Geez! Let's hope not!
I'm descended from a great bee whisperer (hi dad!). I had a group of children enthralled that I was feeding ginger beer to some bees off my finger.
I didn't realize just how much bees love ginger beer. But I suppose it makes since.
The deer are really skittish. I needed the zoom lens to get any decent shots, but with my son, there's not a lot of time to change lenses. So these will do for the moment.
Looks like velvet.
This little goat loved to be scratched behind the ear, but once the camera came out, he turned very shy!
Even though he was quite photogenic indeed.
I saw this lamp and had to back track a bit. It really reminds me of Steampunk stuff. Would love to be able to buy a miniature of this for a necklace or earrings!
Sometimes goats can be such divas.
All in all a good day. Not a heck of a lot of inspiration for the things I'm currently working on, but the bonding opportunity between mother and son should never be passed up.
Thank you for a good day, Boo.
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