Unfortunately, it does affect my creativity, and how I feel about my own abilities. In short, I feel like everything I do is crap.
It'll pass.
I did manage to cut some lengths of yarn for El Diablo's hair, and even found my pointy tool to help make holes in her head for the hair insertion procedure (check me out, all medical and shizz). Heck, I even located the modified needle to insert the hair with. But I can't find my thimble. This does present a problem since without said thimble the needle goes more into my thumb than her head. Not nice as I bleed. And it hurts.
I don't actually care much for pain.
I'm tempted to buy a new one since then I'm bound to find the old one.
But I'll keep looking for a little while. It's around here somewhere. See, this is why I'm against "tidying up." It's only when you tidy up that things get lost. If they're all on the table in plain view, it's easy to find. It's when they get shoved in drawers that it becomes impossible to locate anything.
I did, however, manage to complete another bracelet. I'm having lots of fun experimenting with colors on these things. This one is listed for sale on my Etsy shop.
And my Mother's Day present arrived this morning! I've had my eye on this wig for a long time!
It's not for daily wear, just costumes- performances. As it turns out, I don't look good as a blonde! I tried it on this morning and looked like something that had been dead and stored in a watery grave for a few years. That look will come in handy for a few costumes. But also, I'll wear masses of stage make-up when I don't want to look like a dead thing that will bring artificial color to my pallor.
Because this thing is just TOO COOL!
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