Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The first one was just practice

I've started the black and gold beaded sash again, this time with enough beads to finish- I hope.

This time I'm using all the same size bead.

I managed to finish about 7 inches of this strand while watching a movie with my son who had a day off from school. And then, when I got up to take the dvd out of the player, there was a horrible noise. A noise I hate more than any other.

It was the noise of beads flying across the countryside.

I'm not sure what he was thinking. I don't know if he saw the bead tray and made a conscience decision to sit on it, or if he wasn't paying any attention at all and just plopped himself down. All I know is that it took 2 hours! Two whole hours to sort out the mess of tiny black and gold seed beads throughout my couch! My couch that has black and gold running through it so those beads blend it really well.

I'm sure there's still a pile of them somewhere in the recesses of couch cushions and throw pillows. But my eyes went cross eyed in the search. While my son asked for a snack, a drink, is it time to go to the gym yet? I'm cold. I'm hot. Aren't you done yet? You said you'd watch the movie with me! What are you doing? Can I have milk? Tell the cat to stop staring at me! My toe hurts. What are you doing? How long is that going to take? What's for dinner? What are we going to have for dessert? Do we have cookies? Can I stay home from school tomorrow? Why is the dog barking? Can I play on the computer? Why not? When's dad coming home? How long until my birthday? What time is it?

Who knew motherhood was so glamorous?

Happy crafting!

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