Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Too modest to claim genius, but....

They say that people who are quite clever have incredibly messy tendencies.

For example, this is William F. Buckley sitting at his desk.

And this is a picture of Einstein's work space.

Now, before you berate me for being an arrogant turd, I'm not saying I have much in common with either of those men. Mainly because I couldn't care less about politics or physics. But I thought I should share my work space with you. This way, if you visit me, and it's a pig sty, you won't be surprised.

Evil genius.
 I didn't sleep much the night before, and the first cup of coffee just didn't cut it. That's the reason for the can of Demon there. When we move back to the States, I'm going to have to find a way to import that stuff!
 Piles of Pashminas!

Mountains of Material!

 Oodles of ..... something starting with "oo".
 My awesome fabric drawers. I've actually busted the bottoms out trying to fit material in them so they don't close anymore. Well, technically they do close, but then it takes an act of God* to open them again.
 Projects in process piled on a place to plop (aka chair) with wrapping paper I just never managed to put away.

And an African Violet that I attempted to murder, so it's now in the custody of Steve.

Plants don't scream if they're not being taken care of, so I tend to forget them. They don't press a cold nose into your armpit, or attack your feet under the bed sheets with razor sharp claws, or try to trip you down the stairs if you don't feed them RIGHT AWAY! They don't wake you up at 7am asking for toast or waffles or CAN I HAVE PANCAKES!

I'm actually quite amazed that Zombie Fish (formally Fabio Fish), is still alive. I'm calling him Zombie Fish now because I'm pretty sure he's died at least 3 times now.

I seem to have gotten off track here.

Look! More piles of partially completed projects in a pool of parts!

Ugh. Even my nails are a mess. This is why I only paint my nails for special occasions now. I'm just too hard on my hands for nail polish to last very long!

I guess I'll strip the paint off the doll head at the same time. Might as well combine tasks!

 I'm not the only one, though.

I'm ratting him out. I'm sure to pay for this later. This is Steve's desk. But I will compare him to either of the aforementioned geniuses. (Is that supposed to be geniousi?) But I suppose I'm slightly biased.

* In this case, an Act of God means I have to enlist Steve's help to open the drawer since my method of yelling and cussing at the drawer while pulling it as hard as I can rarely works.**

** Notice I said "rarely" not "never."

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