Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Fighting inevitability

I haven't made any more progress on the beaded sash for Santa. Why? I don't know. It's not exactly what I wanted, but since I can't find some larger gold beads that are suitable, I'm just going to have to suck it up. I have looked at it several times. I've even thought about working on it. But there always seems to be something else that needs to be done.

You know, like that thing I get paid for! Not that I'm complaining, mind you, because my "job" really is a lot of fun. (I put that in quotes because it really doesn't feel like a job, or work. It's going to parties!)

I've also found myself scouring the planet in search of tiny rhinestones. Apparently they've gone out of fashion. True, they're quite popular for scapbooking, but those all tend to be self adhesive. I don't want self adhesive. Plus, they're incredibly expensive! Sort of defeats the purpose.

Craft shop? No.

$2 store? No.

Warehouse? No.

Online? No. No. No. And... yes, but the shipping is ridiculous. Honestly, $5 for a bag of rhinestones and $30 for shipping said bag? I don't think so!

I had just about given up when...


Aren't they perfect?

Oh, joy of joys!

Savior of sanity!

Filler of crafty needs!
Ok, so they're not rhinestones. It's actually a tiny bag of confetti.

I had no idea I was actually looking for confetti, not rhinestones. These are perfect for-

You almost got me! I almost gave away the surprise. Sorry, it's not going to be that easy. It's just too great to ruin the surprise.

Plus, this way you may actually come back to find out what I'm rabbiting on about.

Sneaky sneaky me.

Oh! The other thing that managed to tear me away from working more on my beading: THIS. My son and I watched the movie the other day, and I thought, "That would make for an amazing burlesque dance!" Add it to my choreography to do list!

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