Ok, every morning. I'm NOT a morning person.
Anyway, this absence of thought can sometimes lead into interesting areas of observation. For instance, in my bedroom we have a wall that is covered in wallpaper that is a picture of a beach scene. Very nice. However, Saturday morning I found myself enthralled by one very small aspect of the picture:
This knobby bit.
I'm not sure what you call this exactly, but I'm pretty sure most people will understand what I mean by knobby bit.
Mainly looking at that top portion, I suddenly realized that it resembles other elements that we see everyday!
That's a bright idea!
Or turn it on it's side.....
Much easier to see you with.
You get the idea.
My point is, design elements can come from anywhere. So never overlook the everyday objects. You never know where your next flash of inspiration will come from.
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