Thursday, June 23, 2011

Short Circuit

My brain has stopped working. Last night I had several instances when a simple word or phrase stayed just outside the reaches of my intellect. And yes, it's that  time of the month, so my theory is my body is putting all it's energy into BABIES*, and if high school taught us anything, the less a girl thinks, the more likely she is to get pregnant.

In my daily online wanderings, however, I found this amazing website.

Basically, the idea behind it is that we constantly berate ourselves for not being as perfect as the rest of the planet. You browse through Etsy, read about other people's creations, or watch your husband create amazing jewelry, and it's easy to see your own stuff as not good enough.

Now, the simple answer is a definite possibility: your stuff isn't good enough. It doesn't come without it's share of pain. Trust me. Because when I say your I actually mean mine. I am the queen of mediocrity. I don't want to be mediocre, I want to be great. But I'm beginning to accept that great may not be in my reality. Why not be happy with mediocre?

The real question here is: do you enjoy creating? If the answer is no, you're doing something wrong. If the answer is yes, who else really matters? I've never been popular, I've never been the prettiest, or the smartest, or the best at anything. But I enjoy myself nonetheless. So who cares if there's someone better out there? The point is enjoy.

 So, here's the challenge (and this comes directly from the website), make something ugly. Set out with the intention to make the most hideous thing you can think of.

Then, try to make it even uglier.

Now, I had a quick flick through some of the photos people had posted of their ugly creations, and there was one thing in particular that stood out to me: nearly all of them were creatures and not things.

Is it because people see an ugly inside of themselves and have a desire to purge that bit of themselves out? Or is it simply that it's much easier to create an ugly someone instead of a something.

Or maybe I'm getting way too deep for this early in the morning.

Happy (ugly) crafting!

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