Monday, June 27, 2011


Some mornings I wake up with no real brain function.

Ok, every morning. I'm NOT a morning person.

Anyway, this absence of thought can sometimes lead into interesting areas of observation. For instance, in my bedroom we have a wall that is covered in wallpaper that is a picture of a beach scene. Very nice. However, Saturday morning I found myself enthralled by one very small aspect of the picture:

 This knobby bit.

I'm not sure what you call this exactly, but I'm pretty sure most people will understand what I mean by knobby bit.

Mainly looking at that top portion, I suddenly realized that it resembles other elements that we see everyday!


 That's a bright idea!

Or turn it on it's side.....

 Much easier to see you with.


You get the idea.

My point is, design elements can come from anywhere. So never overlook the everyday objects. You never know where your next flash of inspiration will come from.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Friday Favorites

I've never been what you would call a "girly" girl. I showed up for my first ballet lesson (around 5 years old) in head to toe black. I never dotted my i's with hearts or drew smiley faces in my o's. I didn't have a picture of that boy in class with flowers and hearts with our names doodled all over them. I was much more likely to draw daggers and dark clouds in the margins of my note paper rather than bunnies and butterflies. And my favorite color was NOT pink!

But I did make allowances. Dolls were always a big part of my childhood, along with stuffed animals and dress-ups- Mom's shoes were always a big hit! One of my treasured collections was (and still is) about as girly as they come- My Little Pony.

My little pony!
My little pony!

Yes, I am a child of the 80's. I watched the cartoon. I had imaginary adventures. And I loved every minute of it. So much so that I still have some of my favorite ponies. 

Found here
 I know I'm not the only one.

Yes, there is a part of me that wants to... recreate a Pony. But it'll have to be one I buy for the purpose as I have way too many cherished childhood memories from the few I saved.

But how cool is this!

Found here
 Steve found this one while looking for good pictures of Rocky Horror makeup.

I love the fishnets!

And the rips in the gloves!

And the tattoo!

Found here

 Rorschach! Now if there was a way that those spots could move around.

Found here

 These are not the ponies you are looking for.

Imagine an episode of My Little Pony where the ponies have their adventure in the Death Star.

Hmmm... I wonder....

Found here along with a few others

Didn't have to wonder long!

Found here


And Robin!

Holy smokes Bat Horse!

Can't find it again! Can you help?

 The beautiful ponies! The beautiful ponies! It's all relative to the size of your...something that rhymes with ponies.

Found here

 I've no idea what this is from. I know I should, but I don't. I'm a bad geek.

But look how cute! And can you say mind boggling impressively amazing!

More pictures here

 Tim Burton, Johnny Depp, and My Little Ponies? Pinch me I'm dreaming.

Could we get a Cap't Jack Sparrow?

Found here

Thank you!

More pictures here!

 I'm not a fan of the green, but I love love LOVE the bony leg, the brain, and the eyeball hanging out of the socket! I would love to see this one done with a better paint job, though. 

Yes, I'm quite aware that some people will look at these and think, "NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" But I think they're cool. 

And it's my blog.

So there. 

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Short Circuit

My brain has stopped working. Last night I had several instances when a simple word or phrase stayed just outside the reaches of my intellect. And yes, it's that  time of the month, so my theory is my body is putting all it's energy into BABIES*, and if high school taught us anything, the less a girl thinks, the more likely she is to get pregnant.

In my daily online wanderings, however, I found this amazing website.

Basically, the idea behind it is that we constantly berate ourselves for not being as perfect as the rest of the planet. You browse through Etsy, read about other people's creations, or watch your husband create amazing jewelry, and it's easy to see your own stuff as not good enough.

Now, the simple answer is a definite possibility: your stuff isn't good enough. It doesn't come without it's share of pain. Trust me. Because when I say your I actually mean mine. I am the queen of mediocrity. I don't want to be mediocre, I want to be great. But I'm beginning to accept that great may not be in my reality. Why not be happy with mediocre?

The real question here is: do you enjoy creating? If the answer is no, you're doing something wrong. If the answer is yes, who else really matters? I've never been popular, I've never been the prettiest, or the smartest, or the best at anything. But I enjoy myself nonetheless. So who cares if there's someone better out there? The point is enjoy.

 So, here's the challenge (and this comes directly from the website), make something ugly. Set out with the intention to make the most hideous thing you can think of.

Then, try to make it even uglier.

Now, I had a quick flick through some of the photos people had posted of their ugly creations, and there was one thing in particular that stood out to me: nearly all of them were creatures and not things.

Is it because people see an ugly inside of themselves and have a desire to purge that bit of themselves out? Or is it simply that it's much easier to create an ugly someone instead of a something.

Or maybe I'm getting way too deep for this early in the morning.

Happy (ugly) crafting!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Steve's Stuff

While I've been keeping myself occupied and mostly out of trouble, Steve has found ways to do the same. With much better results, I might add.

He's got back to his bone carving, which is truly a delight. Sure, the smell in the garage is deathly, and I have to rewash the clothes that were hanging out to dry there because they're now covered in bone dust, but.... well, see for yourself:

This was actually his second project. It can be worn as a brooch, or as a pendant. I love jewelry that comes with choices!

That impeccable calla lily is hand carved from bone. And he carved the leaf from a bit of wood. Stunning!
This was his first attempt at wire wrapping. So, of course, he's not happy with it, but everyone else who sees it drools over it for a while.

Once again, that skull is hand carved bone.

Check out the tribal detail!

My man is certainly talented!

If you are interested in purchasing either of these pieces, please visit our Etsy shop.

Happy crafting!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Birds of a feather

When my son requested a Spiderman themed birthday party, I had to order stuff from the States in order to make that happen.

When he wanted Ben 10 as the theme, shipping prices had sky rocketed, and no one in the country had any Ben 10 supplies. Of course, the patchwork Ben 10 party I created from scratch was quite a hit with the kids!

Now, of course, every store around that carries party supplies is over run with Spiderman and Ben 10. So great that they got on the ball after I needed that stuff!

So this year, when he requested Rio as his theme, well, I died a little inside.

If you haven't seen the movie, it's really cute! I loved it. Possibly more than he did, but not by much. When I took him to the theatre to see the movie, he sat through the end credits stating that he was going to stay there and watch it again! It was only the fact that we went to the last show of the day that finally convinced him to leave.

And of course, McDonald's had all the happy meal toys at the ready before the movie was even released.

So why? Why why why WHY are there no party supplies?

I checked local shops. No. (I didn't actually expect them to due to my previous experiences.)

I checked online. No.

I checked online in the States! No.

I've now set my Mom to work to see if she can find anything, but the majority of the party will be patchwork.

I'm not really complaining too bitterly, though. I kind of enjoy finding the creative solutions to life's little conundrums. And I'm not trying to make this party the talk of the year. I don't think this is going to gain my son any friends he doesn't already have (most of whom are girls with huge crushes on him! Ugh.), or influence people in lofty positions on the playground. Simple=good. Stress free=FUN!

And this year, the party is NOT at the house! BOOYA! Little to no clean up. Why didn't I think of this before?

Oh right. It's expensive to rent places. Nothing to stop us just showing up for a bar-b-que, though. And who doesn't bring tropical decorations to a mid-winter bar-b-que?

Yeah, tropical decorations are actually pretty easy to find. I stumbled across plates, napkins, cups, and ceiling danglies all with a tropical theme this morning. Half my work is done already!

As for the invitation, take a look:
Google picture from the movie + Microsoft Publisher = FABULOUS!

The back of the invitation has all the details about the when, where, what the party is.

Next step: set up a playlist on my ipod with music from artists such as Carlos Santana, and probably download the Rio Soundtrack and include it on the playlist as well.

Then, plan out goodie bags.

After that, plan a cake.

And finally, enjoy the party! 

Monday, June 20, 2011

Oh Rocky!

June's date night is going to be one of those memorable events.

Sometimes you just feel it.

And sometimes it's because it involves cross dressing, heavy make-up, and dancing to the Time Warp!

Yes, this Saturday night, Steve and I will be getting all dolled up and hitting the town for a Rocky Horror Picture Show evening.

I just hope his high heels come in time! Around here you have to special order things like that. Apparently there's not a lot of cross dressing in our little town.

Or I'm just not shopping at the right places.

Anyway, as you may have guessed, Steve will be attending the showing of the fabulous RHPS dressed as Dr. Frank- a Scientist. Meanwhile, I will be going as his creation, Rocky.

 Now, I know what you're thinking- Rocky's a man. But you know, we all have a little man in each of ....

Moving on.

(And for those of you who thought Rocky's a boxer, well SHAME!)

Look! Shiny!
 I asked my ever so talented pattern maker (aka Steve) to put his magic to use and make me a pattern for a top.

I should have guessed when he asked for the newspaper that this is what he was doing.

It worked, though, so I can forgive the.... ummm....classy pattern pieces.

And yes, you counted correctly- there are three! Three pattern pieces! Bwahahaha!

And look! Instructions!

Written in red.

With pictures.

 It's a pretty simple pattern actually.

Overlock the side seams.
 Overlock the raw edges.

This just helps later when you sew them down.

If you don't have an overlocker (or a serge machine in the States because for some reason it's not fun to call things by the same name world wide), get one.

Or use a zig zag or stretch stitch.

But seriously get yourself an overlocker/serge machine. One day I'd like to have one that does the seam like what you find on so many commercially made clothes. It would make life a little easier.

At least that's what I tell Steve.
 Now is a really good time to stop and pick up all the things that fell off the table due to the intense vibration caused by the overlocker being used on a rickety table that was never intended to cope with such abuse.

Wuss table.
 And while you're at it, why not take a moment to watch the drug addict teens searching for magic mushrooms in the undergrowth.

It used to bother me to have them out there. Then I noticed how many dogs choose those bushes to do their business.

Yeah, enjoy your drugs boys.
 Anyway, switching to my regular machine (see how much easier it would be if one machine could do it all?), I'm using a zig zag stitch to sew the top seam.

Hence why I didn't need to worry about matching the thread to the material.
 And sewing the neck piece on.
 The front laces up...

I'll give you a moment to take that in.

Got it? Right. So I'm making the laces. Or lace. No... Ok, if there's only one, is it still called laces? What's the singular form?


Making the string bit to keep my bits concealed whilst wearing the top in public.

Yes, it's wordy, but it works.

Yellow skinny snake.
You're coiled up on the couch.
Won't you cover me?
 So now using my Specialized Turning Instrument for Creative Knowledge, I begin to make the yellow snake gold. It's like magic.

A note of warning: When using the Specialized Turning Instrument for Creative Knowledge, it's a good idea to wear safety glasses for when the STICK flails around as you manically try to force the fabric on. Jade's Law- when a STICK is waving around manically, it's only a matter of time before you find yourself in need of a really cool eye patch.
 This is about the point where I remembered the shiny material has a tendency to stick to itself.

It wasn't going anywhere.

So I traipsed downstairs waving it around like I had suddenly become an epileptic ribbon dancer and showed Steve. Who took one look at it and said, "Don't use a stick!"

I'm not using a stick! That would neanderthalish. I'm using a Specialized Turning Instrument for Creative Knowledge. Totally different.

"Use a safety pin."


Secure Apparatus For Effectively Turning Your  Piece INside out.  
 It worked much better.

He's such a smart ass.
 Insert theme from 2001 A Space Odyssey here.

Golden fabric snake.
Ribbon of gilded pleasure.
I have beaten you!

 The original plan was to make more of those gold tubular thingies, but I REALLY don't want to.

Besides, I just got a grommet tool and I really need to use it.

Metal squishing fun!

 Ooooo pretty!

The grommets not bad either.
 Even on the inside.


Professional looking.

And did I mention shiny?
 Laced up.

Yeah. I'm beginning to get just a bit nervous here.

Once again deviating from the original plan. See, the original called for Velcro to secure the neck together.

I hate Velcro.

It invariably fails at the most inopportune moment, it's scratchy, and, quite frankly, I despise that noise.

It's a personal thing.

I do however love buttons. Buttons are awesome! They're cute and pretty and SHINY!

 Button holes on the other hand can be a bit of a pain when attempted on stretchy material.


Ok, fold the edges over to help hide the butchering of taking the button holes out (the first person to mention that the seams aren't straight will be beaten to a pulp. Deal?).
 I love my new grommet tool.

Notice the placement of the grommets. I was pretty sure I'd only need two, but just in case, I spaced them far enough that I could put another one on if I needed to.

Two worked fine.

Of course, this means another gold rope tubey thing, but it was only a short one.

 I tried to model this on my duct tape mannequin, but since it sort of repositions certain bits, it really needed to be on living flesh.

Thank you, Steve, for taking the pictures.
 The reason I'm so white (in addition to flash burn out) is that it's mid-winter here. That's the main reason I'm starting to get a bit nervous about this whole thing. I'm going to be walking around at night in this!

Extra doses of vitamin C please!

Yeah. I feel a bit exposed.

Steve assures me it looks good, though. I'm gonna trust him, and avoid mirrors!

Oh, and he's making me a matching skirt.

I'm literally going to freeze my ass off!

Happy crafting!