Friday, June 3, 2011


There is a plague that seems to be running rampant among crafters of all shapes, sizes, and socio-economic status. It affects all manner of crafters regardless of their craft of choice. It has several different names, but one which we all fall into is CADD (Crafter's Attention Deficit Disorder).

I'm taking a moment to call attention to this affliction because I myself, yes, yours truly, suffer from CADD. I was recently diagnosed, and in this instance self diagnosis is totally valid! Perhaps you too suffer from some form of CADD- BADD (Beader's Attention Deficit Disorder), JADD (Jeweler's Attention Deficit Disorder), SADD (Sewer's Attention Deficit Disorder), etc. and so forth.

Some of the symptoms to look out for include: multiple projects in varying states of readiness- usually more than 3, a workspace that appears to have been the victim of a horrifying terrorist attack, and a stack of design ideas and/or a to do list a mile long. Symptoms may vary depending on the individual.

If you feel your symptoms match those above, and that you may be afflicted by CADD, worry not! You are not alone. While it is true that there is currently no cure for CADD, it is not something to be afraid of either. CADD is simply the effects of your creativity unleashing it's power over your section of the world! Revel in your pig sty of a studio! Take pleasure in knowing that you hold the power to create something out of nothing!

Well, at least it's a good excuse when someone points out the mess.

Happy crafting!

1 comment:

  1. Jade, have you been going through my bins of stuff again?? I won't admit to how many forms of CADD I actually have... :P
