Friday, June 24, 2011

Friday Favorites

I've never been what you would call a "girly" girl. I showed up for my first ballet lesson (around 5 years old) in head to toe black. I never dotted my i's with hearts or drew smiley faces in my o's. I didn't have a picture of that boy in class with flowers and hearts with our names doodled all over them. I was much more likely to draw daggers and dark clouds in the margins of my note paper rather than bunnies and butterflies. And my favorite color was NOT pink!

But I did make allowances. Dolls were always a big part of my childhood, along with stuffed animals and dress-ups- Mom's shoes were always a big hit! One of my treasured collections was (and still is) about as girly as they come- My Little Pony.

My little pony!
My little pony!

Yes, I am a child of the 80's. I watched the cartoon. I had imaginary adventures. And I loved every minute of it. So much so that I still have some of my favorite ponies. 

Found here
 I know I'm not the only one.

Yes, there is a part of me that wants to... recreate a Pony. But it'll have to be one I buy for the purpose as I have way too many cherished childhood memories from the few I saved.

But how cool is this!

Found here
 Steve found this one while looking for good pictures of Rocky Horror makeup.

I love the fishnets!

And the rips in the gloves!

And the tattoo!

Found here

 Rorschach! Now if there was a way that those spots could move around.

Found here

 These are not the ponies you are looking for.

Imagine an episode of My Little Pony where the ponies have their adventure in the Death Star.

Hmmm... I wonder....

Found here along with a few others

Didn't have to wonder long!

Found here


And Robin!

Holy smokes Bat Horse!

Can't find it again! Can you help?

 The beautiful ponies! The beautiful ponies! It's all relative to the size of your...something that rhymes with ponies.

Found here

 I've no idea what this is from. I know I should, but I don't. I'm a bad geek.

But look how cute! And can you say mind boggling impressively amazing!

More pictures here

 Tim Burton, Johnny Depp, and My Little Ponies? Pinch me I'm dreaming.

Could we get a Cap't Jack Sparrow?

Found here

Thank you!

More pictures here!

 I'm not a fan of the green, but I love love LOVE the bony leg, the brain, and the eyeball hanging out of the socket! I would love to see this one done with a better paint job, though. 

Yes, I'm quite aware that some people will look at these and think, "NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" But I think they're cool. 

And it's my blog.

So there. 

1 comment:

  1. Apologies. I've tried editing this thing several times to get the text to go with the picture it's supposed to be with, but it hates me. :(
