Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Giving wings

When our children are born they are completely dependent on us for everything. And let's face it, that gets old really fast. We suddenly realize that there are 2 things that are deeply required, had been previously taken for granted, and which are now denied to us: sleep and bathing. But this denial eventually fades and we find balance returning once more as the child grows and becomes more independent with each passing day.

That's about when we realize how easy we had it when they were dependent on us for everything.

However, there's a brief time when they are still extremely dependent on us, but are able to take care of the little incidentals on their own and that's a really cool time. Unfortunately, it doesn't last long and they soon want to do the fun stuff on their own, too.

Sometimes it's really hard to let that stuff go.

My son had a school project to make a robot out of recycled materials. And this is what he came up with.

Now, I did help with planning and finding materials and supervised the hot glue gun, but he really took the lead on this one.

And it was really difficult.

I found it quite hard to sit back and let him make mistakes and have the joy of creating on his own. I'm a bit ashamed to say that if I could do it again, I would change it a lot and let him have more control. But, I suppose that's part of what parenting is about. It's a learning experience for both of us.

And since I know he'd be upset if I didn't share his favorite part: the jet pack on the back. It was the one requirement he had for the robot throughout the entire process. In fact, it was the first piece he found for it!

Happy Crafting!

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