Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Doll: Part 7 of hopefully 8

I should have finished her today. This post is supposed to talk about how to finish the hair and do all those little finishing details that really make the doll special.

Instead, I'm ready to paint her red (would match the blood), add horns, and call her extremely rude names until I feel better.

It's just been one of those days. And it started before I even had my coffee when one of my chickens made a break for freedom and it took half an hour to catch her!

Things started to look up, marginally, however when I got to work.  I made the loops of the hair quite long because it had to go through the other part of the head next, and I knew I would need some room to maneuver.

I've decided that before I start another project like this, I'm buying stock in band-aid. I now have the Bat Mobile on my index finger, the Mystery Machine on my middle finger, and several random holes seeping blood in other parts of my hands that I can't really bandage. And I've ceased to care.

Did you ever see the episode of The Twilight Zone with the evil doll? "My name is Sally, and I don't like you." Yeah. Periwinkle is definitely taking on that sort of sinister personality.
Oh look! I'm almost done with this part of the process. Celebratory picture!
It kind of looks like a sea anemone.
And then I begun the process of pushing the loops through the other part of the head. This is about when I realized this was going to be a lot more difficult than I had expected. So, I took a break to get something to eat and hang out laundry while I mulled over my conundrum.

Thinking I had solved the issue, I dove back into it, and very quickly realized that my original method was the most effective.
So I continued.
And continued.

That's an awful lot of hair!

But I finally got it all in and was ready to start tying it together, thereby securing the head in place. And it went really well.

Until I realized the edges weren't lining up properly.

I tried a few things to try to fix the problem, but nothing was working.

It was starting to turn violent. Harsh words were spoken, feelings hurt. We agreed to take a break in our relationship until we're better able to speak to one another without yelling.
Or me beating her head against a hard surface.

In the meantime, I learned another of one of life's greatest lessons today: If you happen to spill hundreds of tiny seed beads onto a polished wooden floor, and if you're lucky enough to collect most of them, do not, under any circumstances, sneeze.
And I picked up a future project from a lady today. This very loved doll will be getting a make over and new life.


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