Saturday, May 28, 2011


Well, the bad news is, the craft store didn't have the beads I needed to finish Santa's sash.

The good news is, look at the pretty bracelet!

I still have plan B, but plan B has been demoted to plan B.2, possibly plan C. I have a new plan B.

In the meantime, though, today is the last Friday of the month which means it's Cabaret night! Woo Hoo!

Of course, this also means that I really should finalize my outfit for the occasion. Lucky me, the other good news is that I found a few extra little treasures at the craft store.

 I've decided I want a decoration for my hair.

This black rose pin will serve as a good basis. Now, sometimes a pin will work quite well for a hair decoration. If you use a hair band to tie your hair up, you can attach a pin to the band.

I have short hair, however, so that's not really an option for me now.
 So, first task is to remove the pin back. It's a bit frightening how a commercial pin can be so easy to dismantle!
 These little hair clips are invaluable! They're also a bit tricky to find. Although I have seen them in wig supply shops. Apparently they're quite good for securing wigs.

I have yet to try that.
 I used straight pins to hold one side of the clip in place while I sewed the other side down.

Important note! Before beginning to sew, make sure your clip is facing the right way!
 When I sewed the clip on, I cam up through the bottom petals as close to the center of the flower as possible.

It's a bit hard to see, but that's kind of the point. If it were apparent, it wouldn't look good.
 This is the clip sewn on.

You can secure the threads with a small amount of glue or clear nail polish. It just helps ensure that the knots won't come undone.
 I'm a tiny bit obsessed with butterflies at the moment. This happens about every other year or so.

I'm always addicted to glitter, though!

To attach the butterfly, I took one stitch into the petals and tied the bug on. It's not like it's under a lot of stress, so I'm pretty confident with one string holding it in place.

It's a grand topper for a grand evening!

Happy crafting!

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