Sunday, May 22, 2011

My other half

Perhaps it was laziness.

Perhaps it was the threat of the coming apocalypse.

 Or perhaps it had something to do with the fact that we were out quite late the night before celebrating the marriage between 2 very dear friends and it rendered me almost completely useless yesterday with exhaustion.

It was almost midnight when we went to bed!

I'm such an old lady.

Anyway, whatever the reason, I did no crafting yesterday. Zilch. Nada. Zip. I did take an hour and a half long walk (over 9,000 steps according to my pedometer) about a 1000 feet up. And we ordered some dremel bits for better glass engraving. And watched Burlesque. And.... well, some other stuff, too, but nothing really creative.

So here's some of Steve's past creations:

 He's really taken a shine to steampunk. In fact, I got him a Nerf gun a few weeks ago to steampunk up.

And this is my beyond cool USB key. I feel like I've shared this before, but it's just so darn cool you may see it again in the future.

Real or altered.

The future. Not the USB key. That's both real and altered.

These are the jokes people. It's Steve's morning for a mountain bike ride, which means it's my morning to function for the first few hours of the day without coffee.

Living on the edge of danger.

I'll attempt something creative today. Although probably post coffee!

Happy crafting!

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