Friday, May 27, 2011

Yes, Virginia

I hit a bit of a stride today.

 I finished sewing on all the fur trim.
 Thank goodness.

It looks lovely, and it's not actually hard to attach, but I do get tired of having short black hairs in my mouth.

Get your mind out of the gutter. This is Santa! A childhood icon! A symbol of all that is innocent and good in the world!

Besides, he has white hair.

 Anyway, I put his jacket on.
 Secured it with a couple of stitches so that it doesn't move around too much.

That look is one that says: GIVE ME HAIR!

Santa will have to wait a little longer for that. First I want to get some of the details on his coat finished.

Starting with the dreaded sash

 When I got the silver cord cop out alternative sash, I also picked up a gold one. You know, just in case.

I'm still saving this for plan B.
 Those of you paying attention may recognize the beginnings of my favorite beading stitch. I'm using black seed beads for the inside, and 2 sizes of gold beads for the outside.
 Progress shot.
 Remember to go through the last 3 beads plus the one just added.

This is going to make a stunning belt!

If I can find more beads.

Yeah, I ran out of the large gold beads. The bad news is: this is only big enough to go around 1/2 of Santa. The good news is: if I can't find more beads I still have plan B ready to go, this is the perfect size for a bracelet, and I have a coupon for the craft shop.

Three good to one....not so good. And tonight is Burlesque. And there's chocolate in the house. And.... I think, despite the rain, the cold, and the cramp in my chest, today is going to be a good day!

Happy crafting!

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