Saturday, May 14, 2011

Where was I?

I apologize for the lack of communication yesterday. Blogger apparently had a bit of technical difficulty which rendered the site "read only." They seem to have fixed it now, however, so we can pick up where we left off.

Which was....

Don't tell me. I'll figure it out eventually.

You know, it's quite distracting to be listening to The Rock radio station on my right, and Scooby Doo on my left.

 Ah yes, the hair of El Diablo.

Sounds like a Mexican legend. Ninos, gather 'round and listen to the tale of The Hair of El Diablo. You may never swim in the Rio Grande ever again!

Anyway... as you can see by this picture --->
the subsequent rows of hair can be spaced out quite a bit.

When using yarn for hair, if you are planning to style the hair in some sort of up-do, it's a good idea to space it out a bit. Other wise you wind up with way too much hair. Not only can it be tricky to work with, but all that weight can make it difficult for your doll to stay upright.

This is where I run out of yarn.

From the front, it looks fine.

 In the back... well, you can see the problem for yourself.

Unfortunately, I didn't get a chance to go to the store to pick up some more yarn.

And then I thought, let me try something. No harm in trying things.
 First, I separated the yarn strands in the front in half. My plan is to give her bangs (fringe for you kiwis).

I tied the front part in a loose knot just to make sure they stay separate from the rest of the hair.

Next, I  gathered the hair into a half pony tail, and tied a bit of left over yarn around it. Then, I flipped the pony tail up through the middle.
 And again.

Just adds a bit of interest.
 I trimmed the hair so that it won't interfere with her sitting. And shaped the bottom slightly.

Now for the bangs.

Start long, and slowly and carefully go shorter. Remember, this hair doesn't grow back!

Did I mention cut carefully?

Lucky for you I don't put gory pictures on this blog. I cut the pad on my hand with the tip of the scissors. OUCH! Note to self, sewing scissors are quite sharp. Phineas and Ferb are helping to make it better. I'll probably be sued by Disney now for showing the picture without express consent.

On a side note, if you've never watched the show, you should. It's actually quite funny.

Moving on. This is what she currently looks like. I'm still thinking about the bangs a bit, but for now that'll do. 
 And the few from the side.
And the other side.

It appears she will stay like this for a little while now. There's a few projects that have been bumped up on my priority list. So, she'll just have to....contemplate her next move.

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